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RE: Medical Myths: Does Shaving Make Hair Come Back Thicker?

in StemSocial5 years ago

Greetings Mike961, a pleasure to greet you and congratulate you for the content of your article, no doubt you cleared many doubts on the subject, I found interesting the phenology of hair the stage of anagea, catágena and telógena and made me remember the phenology of herbs ( Vegetative, elongation and reproductive) as I am a specialist in pastures and fodder. Again let me reiterate my congratulations on the content was didactic and you broke down that myth of hair thickening after cutting. We are still in communication!


Gracias, me alegro de que te haya gustado! A veces resulta sorprendente la manera en la que la fisiología de nuestro cuerpo se parece a procesos naturales; y verdaderamente hay mucha similitud entre el crecimiento del cabello y el de plantas. Saludos, gracias por tu comentario!