Greetings friend excellent publication, very explicit that is what is desired at the time of transmitting a content as complex as that which you share with us, it is important to know that these metabolites is a "form own of the plants to defend itself of the herbivores, fungi, insects and diseases of the plants".
Coincidentally, there are plants such as fodder legumes that have secondary metabolites such as mimosina, which is known as anti-nutritional compounds in cattle farming, since when the cattle consume high quantities, some of these plants, such as Leucaena, could cause hair loss, among other effects.
See you later my friend, have an excellent weekend !
Thanks for coming around @amestyj, plants secondary metabolites really play a major role in protecting the plants. You are absolutely right, antinutrients are also phytochemicals and are highly dangerous to both animal and human if the plants containing them are not properly treated to processed.