The most interesting part to me was, how the models diverge. Even the same model, couldn't generate reproducible results. This is not an interpretation, this thing have a real and finite answer, and it is not a riddle.
But think it will get there.
In fact, it is better in classical sciences. It is terrible in geosciences right now.
I asked a simple question........anyone in structural geology can draw this
Can you draw a line diagram of a fault bend fold?
Here is the real answer... you can google it.
Here is Gemini!
Here is co pilot!!
Both answers are disaster in EPIC proportions.
They have a long way to go in geosciences!!!
Wow! Indeed they are nowhere near.
I have just tried to ask them my quantum field theory exam question, and ChatGPT (that's the one I tried) failed dramatically. The question was however not hard (compute the cross section of the process 𝜋+ 𝜋- → 𝜋- 𝜋+ in scalar quantum electrodynamics and give the answer in terms of Mandelstam variables). As for the cases above, they seem to have some ingredients right but fail the tricky details (and even some obvious ones). I guess it is however just a matter of time for them to get there.
That's indeed the most surprising part. They should at least have a unique answer for a given question to ensure reproducibility.
I thought in my case, the phrase 'line diagram' tricked the model, but it is not!
This is worse that search right now!
Result of a google search!