Once again am here today to discuss an interesting topic on vitamin C.
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that can be found in our foods and fruits, vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid and the body doesn't produce it rather we aquire it through eating foods that contains vitamin C.
Vitamin C plays a vital role in human system.
It serves as antioxidants in the body that helps to protect the cells of the body from harm, it helps to helps to neutralize harmful radicals how to reduce the risk of some chronic disease like heart disease and cancer vitamin C helps to build the immune system but amazing support the system in producing white blood cells which help to fight against infection and promote healthy living.
Consumption of oral vitamin C also helps to protect the eye from some eye diseases.
Vitamin C helps in production of collagen in the body which is very important for for a healthy skin healthy bone and blood vessels likewise other tissues of the body vitamin C helps to heal wounds and repair the body tissues, ut also helps to increase iron absorption thereby preventing deficiency of iron in the system, vitamin C also help to produce antihistamine in the system thereby protecting the body from allergies like coughing sneezing itching and congestion.
Additionally Vitamin C helps to improve the function of the brain it protects the brain from some neurodegenerated diseases and also improve cognitivity.
Daily dosage for vitamin C.
According to world health organization, dosage of vitamin C depends on the age and sex of every human, for example
An Infants (up to 6 months): 40 milligrams (mg) while Infants (7-12 months): 50 mg.
Adolescents (14-18 years): 75 mg for males, 65 mg for females while Adults (19 years and older): 90 mg for males, 75 mg for females, then children (1-3 years): 15 mg, children (4-8 years): 25 mg, children (9-13 years): 45 mg
Also Pregnant women: 85 mg and breastfeeding women: 120 mg daily.
Note before you take any dosage of any medication including vitamin C, please see a doctor or a pharmacist for prescription because excess consumption of vitamin C can cause Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea,heartburn, cramps or bloating, it can also cause fatigue and sleepiness, or sometimes insomniaan and headache
The best way to get vitamin C is by eating healthy fruits that contains vitamin C, like oranges , pineapple, mango and many others.
Vitamin C is very important to our body system.
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Linus Pauling - one of only 4 people to have won the Nobel prize 2 times! - was the main person responsible for people believing, to this very day, that taking vitamin C will help you fight a cold !
yes because if your immune system is strong you will eventually fight cold.
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