Lip Cracks

in StemSocial3 years ago

img_0.6562002341148482.jpgAnatomical landmarks of lip

Good day my people. I'm back and this time I want to talk about what I'm experiencing. Have you ever experience lip crack or split?. Right now am experiencing it and that is what prompted me to make this post. cracks is simply when there is crack or split of various degree on the lip. Most times this is as a result of weather condition. Basically in Nigeria and West Africa in general, have two seasons which are dry season and rain season. These seasons has there unique characteristic but that's not what we are talking about today.

The lip is a tactile, mobile and muscular organ that encircle the opening of oral cavity. It plays a vital role in human anatomy and life. Some of these vital roles includes they help in food intake, facial expressions, articulation, mastication. The lip consist of vermilion which is the reddish part of the lip, has thin skin and the outer part which has thicker skin. The vermilion is most sensitive part. The lips also have some anotomical landmarks that help to make the face beautiful. Such landmarks are vermilion border, Cupid bow, Oral commissures etc

Lip cracks is not usually a serious case. In the harmattan period and in Nigeria, majority of the population are hit with lips crack especially those that didn't protect their lips with lip balm and co. This period falls under dry season and it starts from December to February sometimes it exceed. Major characteristics of this period is severe cold and extreme dryness. Clothes get dried within minutes and that's the same way our body is affected too.

It is worthy to note that the skin of lips has no oil glands and sweat glands like other skins covering other part of the body. This mean the lip has no means to moisture it's surface. This further put the lips more vulnerable to dryness and becoming cracked. It is not only dryness that cause the lips to crack, there are some severe form caused by infection and this form is known as Cheilitis. Lips crack is of various degree and it can be painful depending on the degree.

The one am experiencing right now is not serious. Just little crack on my lips but my worry is that it's not harmattan period because only that period I experience it.

This is a picture of my lip

Vermilion is the red part of the lip. Vermilion is often refers to as the lip but it's just part of the lip. This part of the lip is a layer between the outer tissue and inner mucous membrane and is abundantly provided with sensitive nerve endings. The translucent surface of the vermilion has characteristic reddish colour due to presence of numerous capillaries on the mucous membrane of the lip. The vermilion of the lower lip is bigger than the vermilion of the upper lip however the ratio can vary with individuals and ethnic background. You can check yours to know which is bigger.

The skin that covers the vermilion is thinner than other skin that covers the face making it soft and delicate. Vermilion border is a rim of pale skin that separate vermilion from the surrounding skin. vermilion is the part that's more prone to crack because it's often dry due to lack oil and sweat glands.

In the above I kept mentioning dryness of the lips as a cause of lips crack but the truth is it's not the only cause. There are other cause but dryness of the lips is the major cause.

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Lip split in harmattan period

Dryness of the lips: this is major cause of lips cracks. By the nature, the lip is dry and so should be protected example by using lip balm. Our lips are always exposed and exposure to sunlight can cause the lips to become stiff and dry which can lead to crack.

Chapped lips: this is a form of lip inflammation caused by skin irritation. It maybe due to exposure to environmental factors like cold weather and other factors

Injury to the lips: Lips crack can also occur due to injury. For those that lick and bite their lips, it can lead to lip crack. I'm guilty of licking my lips sometimes and I believe it's part of the reason am experiencing lips crack currently though mine is just little.

Vitamin and Mineral deficiency: this is another potential cause of lips crack. Vitamin B is an important vitamin and it's a water soluble vitamin that plays important roles in the body. It contribute to healthy skin and as such, the deficiency can cause lip crack. Some minerals whose deficiency can cause lips crack are zinc and iron.

Allergy: due to genetic make up and body system of individuals, some tend to react to things like food etc. Some people show allergic reaction to lipstick, toothpaste, skin care products when they use them. This maybe because of components of the product and can lead to crack of the lip. The best solution is to avoid the product when you notice your body react to it.

It is commonly said in health that the best form of cure is prevention. It is better to prevent a medical condition of you have the power to do so than allowing it to occur and then looking for solution. Lips crack is not a serious medical issue and most times it heals on it's own. Lips crack can be painful and annoying. In a situation were it persist, go meet a Doctor or Dermatologist.

The following are preventive measures to lip cracks
1) always protect your lips by applying lip balm especially when. Outdoors
2) avoid licking the lips because it makes the lip drier than before.
3) always stay hydrated
4) avoid allergens that your lips react to
5) eat balance diet because healthy food is a also medicine and good for the body to function.

Thanks for stopping by, see you again in my next post.


Anatomy of ageing lip
Causes of lip split
Risk factors
Chapped lips