Unveiling the severity of clap(gonorrhea) disease.

in StemSocial2 years ago (edited)

After taking the long walk to my polling center in order to cast my vote for the presidential candidate of my choice, I have taken a few days to observe the process of result collection and awaiting the announcement of our new president, but it seems like we are not going to head anywhere with that anytime soon, today alone the announcement of the result from other states have been postponed four(4) times already and everyone is basically tired of what is going on over there.
Anyways, that's just a brief story about what is happening in my country right now, so let me drop the annoyance I feel aside and continue to tell you about the topic I have in mind for today.


Right from the time I started to unveil the topic of sexually transmitted infections, I have come to know that, these infections are often transmitted on different levels one more severe than the other. Today, I want to write about a sexually transmitted infection popularly called ''the clap''. Just before you think it is the normal clap, no it isn't my dear friend, it is an infection called Gonorrhea. Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a bacterial infection, this bacterial infection can affect the urethra, cervix, anus, throat, or even the eyes. In most cases, gonorrhea may not cause any clear symptoms, especially in females, but when a person has the infection, symptoms are different based on reproductive parts.

Neisseria gonorrhoeae is the bacteria that causes Gonorrhea, it is spread through sexual fluids, such as semen and viganal fluid. Gonorrhea can be transmitted through oral sex, anal sex, or the sharing of sex toys with an infected person. The fact that gonorrhea may not cause symptoms very often, makes it possible for you to unknowingly infect your partner even without your own knowledge. As long as you are sexually active, it is possible for you to get gonorrhea regardless of your age or sex, pregnant women could even pass the infection to their babies during childbirth, but you stand a greater risk of getting the infection if you fall into one or more of these categories;

  • You previously have a history of STI.
  • You are having sexual intercourse with one or more partners who have not tested negative for gonorrhea.
  • Under 25 years of age.
  • Same-gender sex especially among the male gender.
  • Those who fail to use condoms during sexual intercourse.

Gonorrhea is the second most popular case of STI after chlamydia, gonorrhea and chlamydia infections often go hand in hand and around half of the infection that happens to people, happens to them between the age of 15-24. Remember we already established the fact that, gonorrhea does not come with clear symptoms but when it does, it may include;

For Women;
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge coming out in a yellowish or whitish form.
  • Pain felt in the lower abdominal region.
  • Painful sexual experience.
  • Bleeding in between periods.
  • Burning sensation after urination.
For Men;
  • Testicular pain/swollen testicles.
  • Yellowish, green, or whitish discharge coming out of the penis.
  • Burning or painful feeling especially while urinating.

There is also a possibility of having throat gonorrhea, in this case, any gender can actually get this and it can be transmitted through oral sex on the genitals or anus, as well as the rectum through anal sex. These infection types are often not as common as gonorrhea which affects the genitals. Symptoms may include, an itchy feeling in the throat or soreness, scratchiness and even swallowing problems. The anus could also get itchy, bringing out discharge and painful experiences while pooing.

It is not possible to get gonorrhea through other practices like; holding hands, sharing food, and drink items, holding hands, inhaling droplets after a person sneezes or coughs and even kissing.

In order to diagnose gonorrhea, a swab will be taken from the urethra in males and the cervix in females, it can also be detected with a urine sample test. In some cases, swabs can also be taken from the anus and the throat and once you test positive for gonorrhea, you should also test for other sexually transmitted infections like; chlamydia, syphilis, and HIV.

Treating gonorrhea is not so complex, it is mostly treated with a single antibiotic injection administered in the buttocks or in the things, with a constant and effective treatment procedure, the symptoms should relieve within a few days. However, a follow-up appointment procedure is usually advised, this will help the medical expert in charge carry out another test after a week or two, this procedure is just to be certain that there is no lingering infection there, sex should be completely avoided until you are sure that, there is no longer an infection and remember that one successful treatment does not mean it cannot happen again, it can happen again and again, and that is a strong reason why sexual health has to be practiced all the time.

To prevent gonorrhea from spreading, be sincere enough to tell your partners that you have been diagnosed with gonorrhea, they also need to get tested and treated if they are infected. Practicing safe sex is the best way to prevent gonorrhea, asides from that;

  • Use condoms with water-based lubricants.
  • Completely avoid sex with someone who has gonorrhea until they are totally treated and tested again.
  • Go for regular check-ups.
  • Limit your sexual partners or simply stay with one partner who only has you as a sexual partner as well.


Gonorrhoea can be treated easily as mentioned earlier, but certain complications can occur if not treated instantly and adequately. Gonorrhea complications can cause permanent damage to the joints, eyes, brain or heart, and in women it could result in a pelvic inflammatory disease which would result in infertility. It can also cause infertility in men as it damages the tubes responsible for carrying sperm.










The condition could cause so much discomfort, pain and side effects when left untreated and even so for a long time, and yet it is very curable and has quite a simple solution, hopefully individuals who are engaged in ssexuat activities would learn from this post, do better in protecting themselves asn well as seeking the needed medical attention thanks for sharing

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Aside HIV and AIDS, one of the other sexually transmitted infections I feared most is gonorrhea

It is really worth being scared of my friend, the fact that it doesn't necessarily show visible symptoms on time is indeed scary.