Effective Ways to manage Toothache at HOME (HOME REMEDIES)

in StemSocial11 months ago

Hey Hive family!! Toothache can occur without warning and dealing with it can be really tough. It's hard to ignore and also impacts your daily life activity.

but what can you do when your appointment is too far and you need relief now? whether it's Dull, Sharp, or Throbbing pain. But Don't worry these Blog post explores some ways to deal with PAIN . Until you visit the Dentist. Today here we will look at some simple yet effective ways to deal with toothache at home. Hope this helps.


A Toothache is a pain that you feel in or around the tooth caused when a nerve in the tooth or tooth root is irritated.


  1. Dull ache

  2. Sharp pain

  3. Throbbing pain

  4. Teeth sensitivity

  5. Swelling in gums

  6. Headache, Fever, chill


  1. Dental caries

  2. Abscessed tooth

  3. Cracked tooth syndrome

  4. Damaged Dental restoration

  5. Bruxism (Teeth grinding)

  6. Periodontitis

  7. Wisdom teeth

  8. Temporary Joint Dysfunction

  9. Erosion due to brushing or grinding.

  10. Fractured cusp etc.


=> There's no such way to know how long your teeth can pain, It depends upon the underlying causes

If you have a temporary gum irritation then it gets relief on its own by 1 to 2 days

but if you have caries and abscess then the pain may come and go on its own and won't go completely.


1. @SALT WATER : Most common and effective method, as it acts as a natural disinfectant and helps to wash off the food particles that are stuck to your teeth. it also helps to reduce inflammation caused due to infection and heal oral wounds.

Take half a spoon of salt with lukewarm water, also use a mouthwash.

2. @COLD COMPRESSION : Cold compression can be used to relieve any kind of pain caused especially due to trauma. Compressing with cold causes constriction of blood vessels in the area which makes the pain less severe. cold can also reduce swelling and inflammation.

procedure: Wrap the ice in the cotton cloth and compress it in the effective area for 15-20 min repeated for a few hours.

3. @CLOVE OIL : clove oil can be effective in numbing the pain and reducing inflammation. it contains eugenol which is a natural antiseptic.

procedure: Dab a small amount of oil onto a cotton ball. and apply it to the affected area a few times a day

4. @HYDROGEN PEROXIDE RINSE : It helps to relieve pain and inflammation, also kills bacteria, and helps in the reduction of plaque and healing of bleeding gums.

procedure: Use 3% of hydrogen peroxide with equal parts of water and use it as a mouthwash. Don't swallow it.

5. @PEPPERMINT TEA BAGS : Tea bags are used to numb the pain and soothe sensitive gums. The tea bag should be cooled down before applying. it should be kept in a freezer for a couple of minutes before applying it to teeth.

6. @GARLIC : It has got anti-bacterial properties, it not just kills bacteria but also acts as a pain reliever

procedure: make a paste of garlic or crush it and a bit of salt and then use it in the affected area.

7.@THYME It has got antibacterial as well as antioxidant properties.

procedure: dab the oil into the cotton and then apply it to the area. and can also be used by diluting it into water and using it as a mouthwash.

(But, If Still, the Pain Doesn't subside You definitely need to Visit a Dental professional. Here Are some procedures that dentists treat.)

  1. A dentist performs the complete examination and then takes a dental x-ray.

  2. there are several treatments but some right treatment depends upon the severity of the case.

A) MEDICATION = Antibiotics and painkillers (like Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen)