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RE: Did Dawkins Disprove Dostoevsky?

in StemSocial3 years ago

I missed reading your articles and now that I catch up and read your last postings, you get some comments in a row from me.

The fact that niceness or cooperation has favoured our evolution seems to be something that has slowly but surely become common knowledge.
But what is understood by niceness and cooperation is another matter. Whether it is kindness that some wear masks for those who do not is not an ultimately answered question.

From a more detached perspective, one could say that contagion (if one follows the contagion theory and the theory about the immune system) is something inevitable and unavoidable. To strengthen the immune system, contact and contagion are needed within the social group, so that everyone has been through an illness once in order to be better equipped afterwards. Delaying this process only has the effect of delaying it, but a disease cannot be stopped. Personally, I don't believe in complete immunisation, so I prefer to go through a disease and rely on my immune system after the disease process is over.

For me, the avoidance strategies do not have particularly positive effects. It's like being trapped in the now cemented belief that evil is just waiting to strike you. So while you avoid everything to keep the evil away from you, you forget to live and love. Living under the sword of Damocles all the time makes you miserable, if you ask me. (not you, do I have to mention?) :)


Hey Erica! Do I remember your name correctly? I'm bad with names, but I definitely remember you as a person! Glad you're still active. For me, there's too many things demanding my time so I'm not posting at the moment.

If I interpret your 'contagion' as 'competition', then yeah I guess it's inevitable, unless we stop all mutations. Wearing masks of kindness is of course a problem, but masks compete against the ability to detect them! So the best strategy is to be authentically nice!

Yep, you do remember correctly. I would be offended if you had not. lol

Being authentically nice... I cannot make a self judgement. I guess I am nice and also unkind. Don't know the ratio though. At least, I think, I was mostly nice to you (though not always, haha!)

My posting rate also declined dramatically. Other priorities... and a lack of fans, I think. lol