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RE: Your Tonsils: Should You Keep Them?

in StemSocial3 years ago

It's been a while. Welcome back. With a bang as usual.

Your Tonils: Should you Keep Them?

That seems like a typo - 'tonils', instead of 'tonsil'

Nevertheless, I don't think tonsilitis is common around here. Can't recollect anyone I know having it.

I think one of my siblings had something along that line in our younger days. She was treated with hot-pepper-soaked dry gin. Since then, nothing of such.


Thank you for the welcome. And,thanks for correcting that typo. I looked at that so many times and my eyes never picked it up.

Tonsillectomy, it seems should be rare, very rare. But apparently that is not the case in some areas of the world.

She was treated with hot-pepper-soaked dry gin.

I like that, a lot :))