Today, I'd like to share with everyone some basic scientific steps involved in charcoal production.
Materials Needed
Wood, sand, grass or leave and water
- Cut the wood into smaller sizes that you can carry.
- Pack the wood into a heaps.
- The heaps are then covered with fresh leaves
- Cover the gathered wood and heap with sand and set fire to it.
- Create holes for penetration of air and releasing of smoke.
- Leave the heap wood to burn, collapse by itself and the charcoal to be cooled by sand, moist air and water.
Scientific Principle
- Oxidation process and combustion
Funny I was just preparing to make some bio char today for some new farm land around Kasoa and was thinking I would post about it. Where are you located?
I stay at Aburi but currently in school at Tamale.
I'm glad I clicked on new just now and found this. Very interesting write up, I had no idea.
And welcome to the Blockchain, I see you just celebrated your first month. Good job releasing content consistently, it takes patience but you're on the right track.
Don't be a stranger. =D
This seems incomplete. Feel free to tag me when you complete it as I'm interested in knowing more.