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RE: Six years of particle physics (and STEMsocial) on Hive!

in StemSocial3 years ago

Enjoy your holidays and recharge. Congrats on your accomplishments and we hope to see you again here with the energy in the balance!
But I am always interested in the topic. Partly because of Bessy II is just a few hundred meters from my workplace away. Bessy II is an original synchrotron facility, storage ring, and research building.
Not like I understand too much of particle physics but hey .. open to learning ;-)

 3 years ago  

Thanks a lot! Enjoy your summer too!

Unfortunately, I cannot tell much about BESSY as it is a machine that operates at much lower energies than those I am used to, so that the physics there is different from that in which I have expertise. Physics is vast, and all domains of it are definitely worthy to be investigated! If you have a chance, feel free to give them a visit. I am sure there are tons of interesting things to learn there!

I have been on a few tours. They are booked out with the experiments for the next 12 years. It's crazy. On one tour I was translating the operator to a Chinese delegation (engl. not Chinese) fun part was that I was only understanding half of what he said. Then I guess the audience then understands another 10% of that 🤦‍♂️

When you take a tour they gave me also a Geiger counter for exposure to radiation. Not sure what experiments had the radiation particles involved.

 3 years ago (edited) 

On one tour I was translating the operator to a Chinese delegation (engl. not Chinese) fun part was that I was only understanding half of what he said. Then I guess the audience then understands another 10% of that 🤦‍♂️

Arghhhh. 10% may still be better than 0 ^^

When you take a tour they gave me also a Geiger counter for exposure to radiation. Not sure what experiments had the radiation particles involved.

Maybe more to make people feel safe, as the probability to get irradiated may be pretty low. At the LHC, you need to have one if you go down often, I think (if I remember well as this is now many years I have been down into it).