in StemSocial2 years ago

Most cases of obesity have been discovered to be a result of complex interactions of genes, as well as certain environmental factors. It is clear that family or inherited genes cannot be changed, but the environmental factors that contribute greatly to this condition can be improved, this would result in an healthy habit of eating and improved physical exercises, this way the gene that would be passed unto the next generation would be improved upon.

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One of the genes that results in excessive weight gain is FTO (Fat mass and obesity associated gene), those who have these gene may find it extremely difficult to control their urge for food intake, these genes could result in;

• Inability to control the urge for food intake.
• Likely possibility of being sedentary.
• Increased storage of body fat.
• High hunger level.

In a case like this where food intake is greater than energy exerted, the excessive energy is converted into fat and it is stored in the adipose tissue. Consistent accumulation of excessive fat over a long period, will lead to weight gain.

Engagement in hedonic eating is the consumption of more food based on reward of senses like the good smell that comes out of the food and the satisfaction that would result from food consumption, the signals are easily transmitted through; opioid, dopaminergic. The release of Dopamine in the brain gives out signal of a strong desire to eat often triggered by emotion which could either be sadness or extreme happiness.

How do I know if I am Obese.

Measurement of obesity is rightly done through BMI an accurate measurement of weight compared with height. A BMI of 25 to 29 is classified under the category of being overweight while the BMI of 30 is classified as obesity.

What to do about genetic obesity.
Change in environment and eating habit would go a long way in solving obesity problems.

Every form of physical activity should be on an enhanced level.

Having a set goal on the fitness height to achieve in a week, will make it more easy to loose more weight and become even stronger while at it.

It is not easy to keep up with these daily habits and targets, it is advisable to seek for support from friends and family, those people who will remind you of the activities you need to do even if you are not up for it, you can also join a group of people who have the same goals and together everyone has some form of encouragement to do and of course an healthy body to benefit.

There are certain medications that can help the process, we need to however make sure that the medications are prescribed by the doctor, in order to avoid taking medications that may overreact along the line. There are so many over the counter medications and beverages that promises to help people lose weight, but the after effect of these product may not be publicly written, it is best to get recommendations from a medical expert.