hey @joerhino ... I made it to your blog! Sorry it been a bit of a steep curve so far and I am trying to write my second post from here haha. I do know a few bits about plagiarism detectors though. I think the issue is that if you pop this article through a detector then it comes up heavily plagiarised but if someone digs a little deeper then one can see that the so-called original article was written by you! ...just on another website. Maybe you just need to point that out on your post if you are reblogging across platforms? Not everyone checks to that level I guess but one simple statement would clear it up. Just what I've seen done elsewhere. Don't know if it helps in any way but wouldn't like to see a helpful guy like yourself being unnecessarily downvoted if you've done nothing wrong. Should be easy to clear up these simple misunderstandings. Anyway, just my 2 cents. But I'd bet if you went and explained this with the evidence, you'd get your rewards back. Good luck.
I already tried and they gave me this BS about more proof with a portfolio and shit. They can suck it. Powered down and moving out. Thanks and best of luck. They shouldn't be nuking posts and asking questions later and placing burden on the user. UI got better things to do than pander for pennies and the small number of asses in seats here.
ok, well that is a shame to see you leaving so fast after meeting you. I understand though. We all have to do what we feel is right. I only wish you well and thank you for at least welcoming me so kindly to the platform the other day. I will keep exploring here as I think I may have found some nice writing communities from the recommendations left on my 1st post. Time will tell. All the best @joerhino, and if you do change your mind for any reason, be sure to let me know if you are still around.
Not if Hivewatchers has anything to do with it. Seems they have taken to targeting my posts for some reason with no explanation as to why.
hey @joerhino ... I made it to your blog! Sorry it been a bit of a steep curve so far and I am trying to write my second post from here haha. I do know a few bits about plagiarism detectors though. I think the issue is that if you pop this article through a detector then it comes up heavily plagiarised but if someone digs a little deeper then one can see that the so-called original article was written by you! ...just on another website. Maybe you just need to point that out on your post if you are reblogging across platforms? Not everyone checks to that level I guess but one simple statement would clear it up. Just what I've seen done elsewhere. Don't know if it helps in any way but wouldn't like to see a helpful guy like yourself being unnecessarily downvoted if you've done nothing wrong. Should be easy to clear up these simple misunderstandings. Anyway, just my 2 cents. But I'd bet if you went and explained this with the evidence, you'd get your rewards back. Good luck.
I already tried and they gave me this BS about more proof with a portfolio and shit. They can suck it. Powered down and moving out. Thanks and best of luck. They shouldn't be nuking posts and asking questions later and placing burden on the user. UI got better things to do than pander for pennies and the small number of asses in seats here.
ok, well that is a shame to see you leaving so fast after meeting you. I understand though. We all have to do what we feel is right. I only wish you well and thank you for at least welcoming me so kindly to the platform the other day. I will keep exploring here as I think I may have found some nice writing communities from the recommendations left on my 1st post. Time will tell. All the best @joerhino, and if you do change your mind for any reason, be sure to let me know if you are still around.