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RE: Can Nanoparticles take the place of synthetic fertilizers?

in StemSocial3 years ago

While the problem of hunger can partly be attributed to the wastage of food, on one hand, inadequate food production can be blamed on the other.

What do you know of that is being done about wastage of food.

I am sure much goes to waste due to inadequate storage or ways of keeping it fresh. Long shipments across the seas and such probably make for much waste of foods and force flying of food which may increase prices to where many cannot afford it.

 3 years ago  

Actually, the food wastage I made reference to is those associated with individuals or households. While some wastage still occur as a result of logistics of agricultural produce, a lot is been done to reduce it to the barest minimum.

To know more about food wastage, here is an excerpt:

While the world wastes about 1.4 billion tons of food every year, the United States discards more food than any other country in the world: nearly 40 million tons — 80 billion pounds — every year. That’s estimated to be 30-40 percent of the entire US food supply, and equates to 219 pounds of waste per person. That’s like every person in America throwing more than 650 averagesized apples right into the garbage — or rather right into landfills, as most discarded food ends up there. In fact, food is the single largest component taking up space inside US landfills, making up 22 percent of municipal solid waste (MSW). source

I believe it. It is so sad. Yes, this is the type of waste I wish we could figure out how to stop or prevent too.

Yes, there should be away to curb the wastage, I think an improvement should be concentrated more on the transportation and shipment of food from a sufficient country to a needed country.