Are we living trapped inside a black hole?

in StemSocial3 days ago

Are we living trapped inside a black hole?

This is the research that was published on March 1, according to this research the James Web Space Telescope may have provided the first evidence that our universe exists inside a black hole.

We have already talked a lot about the telescope in James Web, it is transforming our vision of the universe and every time we create a new tool to see the world, whether it is a microscope to see the smallest world or Galileo's telescope, we discover more things, we expand our universe than is known, when Galileo focused his telescope on Jupiter he discovered that Jupiter had moons, amazing, and that Saturn had handles, yes, handles initially they did not know what Saturn was, they did not understand that they were rings and they thought they were handles, something very strange.

Every tool we have allows us to see the universe with other dimensions and the James Webb is right now the most powerful tool we have to observe the universe. These observations are transforming our understanding of galaxies and the fundamental nature of space-time. Among the most intriguing discoveries are the presence of primitive galaxies, ancient galaxies that existed in the first moments of the creation of the universe and these findings can have shocking implications.

Galaxies have been detected only 250 million years after the Big Bang and this discovery is quite amazing, because it was believed that galaxies like the Milky Way, our own, gradually form over billions of years and yet James Webb's observations show spiral galaxies like ours, but that they were, already existed and were creating stars and supposedly also planets practically shortly after the existence of the Big Bang, in the very infancy of the universe, although this is not the most disturbing.


It is not the first time that the question has been asked that if galaxies rotate and have a predetermined rotation or do they all rotate randomly because of course if they had a certain rotation it can mean something, especially in how the universe is structured, in how it was at the beginning initially, there are studies years ago trying to answer that question and the studies until now showed that the known galaxies of our more or less nearby universe rotated, half rotated in one direction and the other rotated in another, that is, it was balanced, there was no preferred direction, however, now it is They have analyzed galaxies during the origin of the first of the youngest, those that first emerged after the formation of the universe.

These galaxies that have captured for the first time the James Webb in particular 263 and have amazingly discovered that two thirds of them rotate clockwise while only a third rotate counterclockwise and this imbalance unbalances many scientists, because it should not happen, the rotation should be random and there should be as many of them as others, this difference is so enormous that it has to mean something.

There are two possible answers at the moment, according to researchers they are the ones with the most possibilities, the first is related to the movement of our own galaxy the Milky Way, the solar system orbits the center of the Milky Way, the solar system took about 225 million years to make a complete turn, on that trip it passes through nebulae areas where stars explode at the moment we are in a quiet place, but it turns out that the Dopler effect, sorry, suggests that the light from the galaxies that rotate in opposite direction of motion to our motion could appear brighter and easier to detect.

It is an observational bias, which could perhaps explain the overrepresentation of galaxies that rotate in a certain direction. This would mean that the instruments would have to be calibrated, because they would be wrong, but it is an explanation with tweezers; The second possibility would also be with tweezers, but it is amazing and the universe itself was born with an inherent rotation. This idea coincides with some alternative cosmological models such as black hole cosmology, which suggests that the universe could exist inside a supermassive black hole.


A super massive black hole that exists in another higher or earlier universe, if the cosmos has an inherent rotation, means that it could challenge conventional models of space time and cosmic evolution. This is not the first time they have detected this, but another researcher led by Lior Shamir had already published in 2020 also about rotation in the primitive universe, that is, evidence is accumulating.

This is like a criminal investigation, there may be several theories, from the craziest to the most coherent, but it does not mean that the most coherent is the true one, it may be the craziest, the important thing is in the end which one has the most evidence to support it, in this case evidence is accumulated in search of the truth.

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! The truth will set us free and science is the one that is closest to the truth!

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