It's official, we are at Solar Maximum

in StemSocial2 days ago

It's official, we are at Solar Maximum

NASA and NOA finally announce that the sun has reached its Solar Maximum phase, you already know that the solar cycle is 11 years and the solar maximum is usually a few months, it is the period of that cycle where the sun is most active , there are more flares, there are more sunspots and also as a result of all that there are more solar storms here on Earth.

We already suspected that we were at the solar maximum, if not very close, but well, officially for scientists the solar maximum has begun as announced last Tuesday, October 15, representatives of NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the NOA, In the United States, they predict that this solar maximum will last until early next year, so we are going to have quite a few solar flares and quite a few solar storms.


The solar cycle is a natural cycle that the sun goes through for about 11 years, but what marks the change from one cycle to another is the peak moment in the change of the magnetic poles of the sun that are inverted, it is the North Pole that is turns south and the south becomes north, here on earth the exchanges of the north and south poles also happen, we do not know why they occur on earth nor do we know if there is a pattern because it is quite random, hundreds of thousands of times can happen. years and other times only a few tens of thousands of years pass, it is a topic that is still being studied and that we know little about, but in the sun it is more regular it occurs approximately every 11 years, year up, year down.

During this period the sun will be very stormy, but this year it has also been during May, in May for example we had a series of large solar eruptions and coronal mass ejections that are clouds of plasma particles, charged particles. energetically that are launched into space due to these flares and if any of those clouds reach the earth's magnetic field that does not necessarily have to hit us, but when it reaches the earth's magnetic field that is when great auroras and solar storms are created powerful.

We had the most powerful geomagnetic storm in the last 20 years and according to experts in that month of May, we had one of the strongest auroras recorded in the last 500 years, the most powerful cycle flare of the solar cycle so far was one of level x9 which was on October 3, class x indicates the most intense flares, while the number provides information about the strength, if you ask me what level was the flare that caused the Carrington event which is supposed to be the solar event most powerful recently, that is, that of which we have a record or of which we have experience, because there have been previous ones such as the Charlemagne event or other miyake events that are so tremendous that we know they existed because they left marks on the growth rings of the trees, but the Carrington event is believed that the flare must have been x30, Let's hope that doesn't happen, because right now, unlike the Carrington event that was in the middle of the last century, we are now based on electronic satellite technology and an event of that type would be a disaster, although more and more measures are being taken. caution.


The images without reference were created with AI
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