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RE: 🤓🤓 Hablemos sobre: Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH) 👧🏻🧒🏻 || 🤓🤓 Let's talk about: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 👧🏻🧒🏻

in StemSocial3 years ago

You know that we have discussed this question several times in class with various teachers, and we have often come to the conclusion that the current percentages of children with this diagnosis is due to parents and even grandparents who were never diagnosed precisely because of the lack of information that existed in the past, remember that for this disorder the genetic aspect plays a crucial role, and if you add to that the various environmental changes that are occurring, you have a catalyst that is also important to take into account, and somehow it happens with Autism Spectrum Disorder.


Ohh see. That is definitely a valid cause/reason.

Thanks for answering my question.