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RE: The first commercial company to successfully land on the moon

in StemSocial3 days ago

It really is a great image. Looking forward to seeing the result of some of these experiments, especially EDS.

Here's a list of all the experiments onboard:

  • LMS: Measures lunar electric/magnetic fields to study interior up to 700 miles deep.
  • LISTER: Drills 3 meters to measure lunar heat flow and cooling history.
  • SCALPSS: Images rocket plume effects on lunar soil during landing.
  • LEXI: Captures X-ray images of Earth’s magnetosphere from the Moon.
  • EDS: Tests electric field to remove lunar dust from surfaces.
  • LuGRE: Tracks GPS/Galileo signals for lunar navigation.
  • RAC: Studies how regolith sticks to materials.
  • NGLR: Laser target for precise Earth-Moon distance measurements.
  • RTCS: Tests radiation-tolerant computer for space use.
  • LPV: Vacuums lunar soil for analysis.