This is definitely the kind of movies I would enjoy watching. Unfortunately, whilst I have the DVD at home (yes, DVDs still exist ;) ), I have never taken the time to watch it (I actually don't watch anything those days).
Thanks also for the lesson concerning the different between delusional disorder and schizophrenia. I would not have been able to explain how different they could be before reading this post.
Yes movies like these are very interesting to watch.
By the way thanks for dropping by. I havent posted anything in the community yet because this is the first time I got the chance to charge my phone. Our place doesnt have electricity and signal because of the tyhpoon that strucked our place last dec 16.
Looking forward to post another psychology post in the community if electricty will come back. Hopefully soon :(
Good luck with rebuilding your place. We have seen pictures from the typhoon, and it looks really very bad from here. Don't worry, we will be waiting for you, so please take your time to deal with the most urgent things.
Thank you we are positive we can get through this.