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RE: Beyond the Standard Model of particle physics - a wild wild world…

in StemSocial3 years ago

Thanks a lot for your questions/comments. This is the kind of reactions to my blogs I like the most.

Why not one that something split into three different versions?

In terms of quantum fields (which is the relevant framework here), we actually have a single field that carries a 'generation index' (or family index) running from 1 to 3. In this sense, we already have a single entity with three facets. Is it what you had in mind with your question?

Correct me if I'm wrong, now we can produce antimatter, even if it is in very small quantities, it doesn't help to understand if there is still antimatter somewhere, where is it? Or to hunt Dark Matter?

You are correct. Antimatter can be produced (and it is today bread and butter). However, stable antimatter is another story. As long as it is produced, antimatter particles must be prevented from being in contact with matter. Otherwise, they will annihilate.

We nevertheless manage to produce antimatter and keep it as such during sufficiently long time to study its properties. For instance, various experiments are running at CERN around the ELENA project.

For the last one, an example to better understand: Can't we think of a system using matter and antimatter creating a tunnel for dark matter or a dark matter catcher, like on one side matter and antimatter on the other the both just spaced the necessary distance so that they don't interact (just the size we estimate for the antimatter)? Or a system similar to atom laser cooling but this time using antimatter?

This I didn't follow fully. Can you elaborate a little on the link with dark matter? I will try to answer but I may be off topic. So feel free to come back to me if necessary.

In principle, we could have antimatter beams (like at the LEP or Tevatron colliders mentioned in my previous post). From there, we could smash the two beams, and hope to observe new phenomena like in any accelerator facility.

if you understood me you are extremely well skilled! Even me when I read it again, I have a hard time.

This time, as said above: no :D

I know I think I am a scientist without having the knowledge to do it, but it's so fun that I want my part of it 🤣

Having fun is the most important aspect! I agree with this! For the rest, just ask any question you may have!


Is it what you had in mind with your question?

Yes, totally, thanks for your answer

antimatter particles must be prevented from being in contact with matter

I thought we were able to do this by using electromagnetic fields so that there is no contact with the matter.

Thanks for the link to ELENA Project

Can you elaborate a little

My main idea was that if we can't do it with matter try it with antimatter or both Hahaha.

If I develop, I was thinking if we can create a space between both (matter and antimatter without contact or interaction), neutral like Switzerland, if the dark matter passes inside maybe it will have a reaction somewhere (on matter side, antimatter side, or both) due to an oscillation of the dark matter or another cause?

For the laser part after thinking of it I probably take the wrong way because we are at the atom level and not the particle, it means nothing can be done with it before finding the particle of the dark matter (if it's a particle as we understand it) and probably after too because I don't think that dark matter will be a constituent of something similar to an atom.

Having fun is the most important aspect!

I know that it's a lot of work with a lot of data 90% of the time but if one day it will have a particle or model named @lemouth it will be very fun 👍

 3 years ago  

I thought we were able to do this by using electromagnetic fields so that there is no contact with the matter.

Electromagnetic fields are exactly what we use to trap antimatter. However, antimatter is not trapped forever. If I am not wrong, it can only be trapped for at most 1/4 of an hour (that's the record, but I may need a little update here). See here for instance, which confirms what I had on the top of my head.

To discuss your proposal for dark matter, this is exactly what is done today... but with matter only. Here, heavy nuclei are used (like Xenon). For what concerns antimatter, we only deal with anti-hydrogen for now, and this won't work for sure as hydrogen or anti-hydrogen are both too light.

One crucial point that is probably killing your proposal is that dark matter needs to pass through the detector material to interact with it. Note that we have atoms in the detector but dark matter can interact with their nuclei only (via fundamental interactions with quarks and gluons), or even with their electrons. So that this specific item does not matter much.

Please let me know whether this clarifies. Cheers!

thank you for all your answers, clarifications, and reading links to keep me busy :)

 3 years ago  

You are very welcome. Be ready to be even busier in a close future :D