Thanks a lot! Happy holiday to you as well!
Concerning your suggestions in the other comment, I was not considering writing about black holes in a close future, even if I have attended a few interesting seminars on this topic recently. I am in any case adding them to the list of topics, but I cannot tell you when this will be programmed. This is related to the outcome of an intense debate between me and myself ;)
For virtual particles, can you tell me exactly what you have in mind. Is it related to virtual particles in quantum field theory, as for instance when a given initial state comprising a particle-antiparticle pair annihilates into a virtual photon to give rise, for example, to a final state comprising a muon-antimuon pair?
Totally up to you on what you want to write about. I was thinking maybe something maybe the history of the idea, the Casimir effect, how it relates to vacuum state energy, and quantum field theory
All of this is noted! Thanks! Then we will see (note that my list includes more than 100 potential topics at the moment ;) ).