Mmmh today I learned something :)
have read this article about new upper limit on the mass of neutrinos while trying to learn more about neutrino mass models.
The article you mentioned discusses the limits obtained from the KATRIN experiment that study beta decays (I discuss this in the third section of this neutrino blog). In short, KATRIN studies a process in which a given atomic nucleus decays into another nucleus, an electron and an invisible neutrino. By studying the kinematic properties of the electron, it becomes possible to constrain the (effective electron) neutrino mass. The experiment obtained a limit on the electron neutrino mass scale of 0.8 eV.
As a side note, I had in mind a value of 1.1 eV as a limit, but the link you mentioned refer to 0.8 eV. I somehow missed the 2022 update. This explains the first sentence of my reply ;)
Now:, I would like to come back on the following sentence.
Sometimes, I think about how the scientific community is both fast and slow in making discoveries.
To emphasise this a little bit more, the first article mentioning a potential LHC project dates from the 1980s. The construction of the machine started in the early 2000s, and the first data taking period was in 2007. The LHC is supposed to operate until 2035-2040. This time scale is inherent to what we aim to do, and there is nothing to be done about it (except by having infinite funding).
I hope it won't frustrate you if I keep on getting sidetracked or if I'm getting ahead of the tasks. 😅 I'd surely come back to this thread/to you when I stumble on more questions as I go on with my reading materials for this week, but right now, I got my answer about those 6 parameters. Again, thank you very much in everything that you're doing in this project and in particle physics. ☺️
I will never be frustrated and I will always be happy to answer anything. So feel free to shout out any question at me!
Have a nice week!