Thanks for these very interesting stories. I must admit that I am a bit lost and do not see properly the relation between CAR T cells and the regenerative frog story. Do you mind clarifying this? Maybe this is obvious, but I don't see it. Thanks in advance.
To go back to the first topic, the findings you described look promising. It is however clear that we need to move on with further tests with more statistics before generalising this as a standard treatment. However, at least things (i.e. research) move. This is what matters most at the end of the day, in our fight again cancer.
PS: I had never seen a T-cell scan before today. I know this is a detail of your blog, but this is a cool one!
They are not related per se ... I included the regenerative frog story, since i came by it as one of the recent advances in genetic engineering as well :)
Ahah OK, we have two different stories here. Thanks! Now everything is clear :)