Thanks a lot for this detailed and instructive blog. I have a basic and naive question relative t the umbilical cord. Is it considered as an organ on its own, or is it part of the placenta? This is unclear to me from reading your blog. Thanks in advance for your answer.
On a more weird side, have you heard about those people eating placentas because of certain myths? I remember having read about this in the past (on Hive in fact), and I was a bit shocked by such a behaviour…
Have a nice week-end!
Thanks @lemouth for your question and inputs it's really been a while I must say and am happy you back 😊.
Coming down to your question, it was quite a thoughtful one. Actually, the umbilical cord is a fetal organ which has more of a conduit function. It can't perform it's functions without the placenta being there and that is why it is connected to the placenta.
In my post, I grouped it as part of the placenta inorder to explain or paint a clear description of what it looks like because looking at it physical, both are connected and both of them as well depend on each other to carry out their functions.
But it's actually a fetal organ.
Coming down to what you said about people eating it, it could actually be true even though I haven't heard about that, but what I know for sure is that it is used in the production of some hair cream or treatment products for women as it's seen to speed up hair growth though I haven't taken time to find out how it does that. Thanks once again for your input, I hope I was able to answer your question?
It has indeed been a while. I have been through two very busy weeks (you can check out my last post for some information with this respect if you have some time).
Thanks for the clarification on the placenta/umbilical cord. If I got it well, it is thus an organ on its own but it is definitely paired with the placenta, so that one cannot function without the other. Am I correct?
To me, this story with placenta-made cream sounds like a big scam. I will try to dig into this if I have some free time during the week-end. I am however pretty convinced this is a myth too.
Exactly that's how it is, am glad you understand clearer now. I would really love to know the outcome of your findings from the use of the placenta. Thanks once again for your contribution and welcome back. I will take out time and go through your post.
Almost all animals that produce a placenta eat it to replenish nutrients. The same concept is true for products that contain placenta nutrients such as hair treatments and skincare. People have been doing this strange thing with the placenta for many years. In the US, it began in the 60s or 70s, but the Chinese use of placentophagy dates back 2000 years for it's anti-aging properties! In modern times, mid-wives process the placenta and put into capsules so it is easier for the mother to take. It is thought to be beneficial to women who may be susceptible to post-partem depression. Why do some people eat their placenta?
More interesting articles...
Eating Placenta - An Age-old Practice in Chinese Traditional Medicine
Illegal Placenta Trade Still Rampant In China, But Why Do Chinese People Eat Them?
Wow! Thanks for throwing more light on this practice of eating of placenta, it's actually weird to me though.
I think it's very weird to most. The first time I heard about it I was like what in the world 😂
One more funny story... When my oldest daughter was very young our cat had kittens. After each kitten was born, our cat would devour each placenta. My daughter was so disgusted, she said "Eww what is she doing??? That is so gross!!!" I explained to her that lots of mammals do this to replenish nutrients after birth. She asked if people do it too hahaha
Just fyi... I had three normal, healthy births. I never once even thought about placentophagy 🤣 I choose to eat my veggies instead lol