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RE: Citizen science on Hive - simulation of a neutrino signal at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider with its uncertainties

in StemSocial2 years ago

You seem to have decided to ignore, without any justification (if there are some, please show them), hundreds of year of data (experimental measurements, i.e. facts), the underlying theory predicting them (that has not been falsified so far), and numerous applications in our every day life (including current communication means, computers, etc.). Well, I don't know what to really say here. It is your choice. Fine.

PS: mass is different from weight (mass is constant, weight can change), and things can exist without taking space (for instance: light).

 2 years ago (edited) 

Light is also a particle (photon). This is an experimental fact very well understood theoretically. This was demonstrated in the beginning of the 20th century, with the development of quantum mechanics.

 2 years ago  

"Theory" has a very well defined meaning in science, and it is not what you wrote.

In addition, one of the core ideas in quantum mechanics (how can it be a lie when a huge fraction of the world economy relies on its properties?) is the duality between waves and particles. See my other reply and check out the double-slit experiment. This is the proof.

Please. consider what I am saying. Please don't just tell me that 300 years of smarter people have proven me wrong. I really do enjoy this conversation. Thanks.

Sorry but I cannot. You have not backed up any of your claims, and you simply mentioned that everything we have learned during the last 300 years consisted of lies (despite tons of experiments and applications). This is not how science works. We have experiments, data, and people (remark: not only people).

You cannot throw away previous knowledge without a reason. If you want to replace the currently admitted paradigm by something else, the something else should at least explain all observations made so far as much as the currently admitted idea. Without this, we don't gain, but we lose understanding, This is how novel ideas emerge.

P.S. You say "This is an experimental fact very well understood theoretically"
I ask "fact or theory?"

Both. We have experimental data, measurements or facts. Then you have a theoretical framework that can be used to derive predictions for the observations in the past, current and future experiments. This theory can of course be falsified (that's part of the definition of a theory).

So far, the Standard Model of particle physics has not been falsified. It is therefore the currently admitted paradigm. Throwing away theory and data without a good reason makes no sense. Claiming they consist of a 300-year conspiracy also requires a proof, that has not been presented.

 2 years ago  

I was "not told anything". I analysed the findings and developments of the last hundreds years, and learned from there, taking as proofs what were proofs. Ignoring them would just be fooling ourselves...

Explain to me how any thing can be a particle and a wave at the same time?

You can check out any textbook or online lecture on quantum mechanics. The double slit experiment may be the right place to begin with. You may even start with the wikipedia page and the references therein. It is very well explained.