I have just missed this blog. However, thanks to the STEMsocial distilled, I found out about it. Pffeewww... I would have been sad to have missed it (although technically, I would have never known).
The topic is quite interesting, and we definitely need more initiative like that one to re-use our waste for second-life purposes. Bio-fuel is more and more popular, especially those days where the price of standard energy sources sky-rockets.
Cheers, and thanks for sharing this information with us on STEMsocial!
Greetings friend @lemouth first of all thank you for your valuable words and for taking the time to read my writing.
With respect to the subject, we are certainly at a point where science must put all its arsenal to implement coherent process that does not allow progress towards a truly sustainable and what better way to start than giving a second chance to our waste, so that we can develop a circular economy space consistent with the reality of each society.
Methodologies such as these, we should certainly replicate them from the university training spaces so that it can generate a great impact, starting from the local level.
I definitely agree!