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RE: Is technology dehumanizing the practice of medicine?

in StemSocial2 years ago

Thanks for this interesting blog! I have a couple of things to say here.

Thus, little by little, the medical staff is losing the doctor/patient contact, and I could call this dehumanization process, don't you think the same?.

I think that it is really something that changes from one medical center another. In some places, the patient stays at the centres, in some others not really. Public versus private centres also makes a difference.

I'm not sure where we're going, but based on the fact that technology does nothing but evolve and get into every space of human life, I think that the process of distancing between patient and doctor will continue, it will in fact accentuate .

Now something I wanted to write since the title (I was afraid that you wouldn't even mention it in the blog): Remote appointments are sometimes the only way. For instance, if you live in a medical desert (and there are more and more of those), what could you do? Here, the choice is no appointment at all or a remote ones.



Public centres, I assume because resources are always more limited, force the relationship between doctor and patient to be closer, I'm sure.

if you live in a medical desert (and there are more and more of those), what could you do?

Good point, in the pandemic it even worked a lot to help people, the online consultation really helped, and now it has become part of the system, because it was proven that in some opportunities it can help. Good point that you highlight here, we cannot put that aside, it is a plus point that despite the distance you can help certain people.

Thank you

 2 years ago  

You are welcome!
