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RE: A challenge to the thesis of "intellectual laziness" of believers in God

in StemSocial11 months ago

Fortunately, we humans are eager providers to each other and offer those interpretations. I am happy, that not everything needs to be interpreted from scratch.

The interpretation is important because this is what determines how you will act in accordance with the information you receive. You can ignore the information, but if you want to engage in an intellectually challenging exercise with the concept of God as creator, then you need to interpret what is presented to you. So, I don't have a problem whatsoever with anyone who wants to interpret (see my comment on Newton). What I believe is important is to interpret the information in a clear logical manner, so we can follow the line of thinking and question the interpretation if we have to.


I have done an interpretation on Genesis in my new post. I hope, I have done it in a clear logical manner and my chain of thought comes across.
I thank you for pestering me :)