BEAT THE BLOAT: Effective ways to Manage Discomfort

in StemSociallast month



What do you understand by bloating?

Bloating happens to be one of the commonest condition that we might have, do I even have to say that everyone experienced it at least once. It is usually a rather unpleasant surprise, like how you be noticed it after attending a nice get-together where you indulge in a variety of fried food, various fried dishes, different types of salads because they look appetizing and you think you have to try everything. That’s not true. It may not be true that all of us have had a fair share of parties where we have met people and tried different cuisine, but what more to expect than to have vivid imaginations of how your body reacts to all that ‘exotism’ in one go.

Not everyone is aware that an exotic and heavy mix of food may turn out to be tough to bear for their digestive system along with the consequences that come along. It is because many ingredients in some food can ferment quite briskly in the presence of some other abnormal ingredients that we don’t mix in our routine meals. During such days, as I call them, you will absolutely be informed by your body that this isn’t great and one of the indicators that most will experience is being dressed in jeans or a belt: the waist area expands within hours making one uncomfortable. It is understood and common knowledge that in terms of gaining weight, this is untrue but nevertheless we do have air that is trapped inside our bowels within a short amount of time which leads to the distension of our bowel which further leads to having a distended abdomen which is highly uncomfortable.

So bloating is gases that are produced in the large intestine by the bacteria that is produced due to increased fermentation in the body.

Causes of bloating



  • One of the most common is that we nibbled a lot of air while eating, drinking gassy beverages.

  • Another reason could be that we are constipated, in that case the material of large bowel is stationary, the gases are received from a part of the large intestine where food is still being digested because of constipation, and that gas will cause a sensation of fullness and bloating.

  • Such food intolerant such as gluten and lactose in which there are no enzymes in our body to digest and those food are nourished by bacteria in our gut will result in more toxins and gas as well as an intestinal inflammatoryism.

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which is manifested by chronic abdominal pain, bloat, heart burn, nausea and diarrhea. This occurs when food passes very quickly or very slowly through the intestine. In most instances the patients have very irritable bowel nerves which may be exasperated by stress.

  • Hormones, before or in the course of menstruation women complain of inflated abdomen and gas lodged in the stomach.

Give some home remedies to cure bloating

Some simple measurements which can be taken to prevent bloating are as follows:there are some simple measurements that one can use to prevent bloating:

  • Exercises that help to stimulate your bowel and its activities

  • Do not talk when in the process of eating and also it is advisable to chew with closed mouth

  • Water is also important in the body and should be taken in large quantity while avoiding soda water



  • High fibre diet will help to avoid constipation

  • Peppermint camomile or fennel tea

  • Smaller meals

  • Massage of tummy from right to left this is also something we do when a baby has trapped wind and it may also help

I hope this information will be useful for you and you will try to avoid bloating.
