Diseases That Sneak Up On You When You Think You Are Healthy

in StemSocial3 months ago

It is good to eat good food and exercise regularly but when you see people who aren't doing the same you do not need to judge quickly thinking that you have your health in check compared to them because the reality is that even when you eat good food and exercise properly, there is a host of things that can go wrong can a lot of these things can go unnoticed until they bring you down to your feet.

Even when you are going to the gym daily or performing exercises routinely, conditions like High blood pressure can just sneak in on you. There is a chance that over half of you reading this post have some level of high blood pressure. Because it is common and has been predominant in your family doesn't mean that it is normal or less harmful.


When a person has high blood pressure or hypertension, it means that the blood pressure while pushing through the arteries in the body is high causing the heart to work harder to be able to pump the blood which then puts extra pressure on the heart. With an extra stress on the heart, the entire body feels different as they all work harder. More stress on the arteries will mean more scaring, and rupturing of the vessels known as aneurysms. With an aneurysms comes blockages which can cause a stroke, also with excess work on other parts of the body like the kidney can come damage to the organ.

Till date, I mean as at he time of writing this post, there is no known cause of high blood pressure although scientists have mentioned that ones diet and lifestyle choices can be a factor and these things are mentioned because they are the things that we can control but the reality is that the majority of the thing that causes us to have high blood pressure are things beyond our control such as genetics, race, age, level of stress and so on. While these condition can catch you unaware, it is very easy to catch it and to do so, you just need to check your blood pressure levels regularly. Once you discover it early enough, there are a lot of treatment that can help with this condition.


If you are a woman, then there is no way you are able to control the health of your ovaries so even when you do the right thing when it comes to exercise and feeding, you might be among the 10% of women of childbearing age suffering from Polycystic Ovary Disease. Even when these 10% of women have this condition, about 50% of them are wrongly diagnosed. With this condition, the female body releases male hormones in excess which interferes with the ovulation of the woman. This condition doesn't come alone, it is a risk factor for other diseases like type 2 diabetes, Endometrial Cancer, and Heart Diseases.

Since you do not have a scan in your eyes, there is no way you will know that you have this condition unless you are diagnosed of it. This condition comes with symptoms which is usually similar to other condition like irregular periods, acne, body hair and facial hair, and the thinning of the hair, and this can lead it to being misdiagnosed.


Cancer is one condition that is not easy to discover early although we have developed over the years to learn how to detect it early enough but in all cancers, one cancer that is really difficult to discover is Ovarian cancer and most time symptoms are usually misdiagnosed as they look like other symptoms which causes doctors to overlook them which is why patient who get diagnosed with Ovarian cancer are usually at stage 3.

Symptoms can include abdominal pain, discomfort, nausea, frequent urination, weight loss, and fatigue. Currently there are no test to confirm this cancer, but with symptoms, doctors and identify it and diagnose it. There are a lot of diseases and conditions that can affect us and be a guest in our body when we least expect, including different types of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Deep Vein Thrombosis as a result of high blood pressure,

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