Why You Shouldn't Consume Ginger Despite its Health Benefit

in StemSocialyesterday

Ginger has become a part of our life that a lot of us cannot do without it. For me, I travel down to Sango, a town in Ogun State Nigeria, just to have ginger corn pap. When I am at home, I enjoy ginger tea, I take ginger biscuit, and I even add ginger to my meals. Just like myself, there are a number of people or reasons why someone will avoid ginger generally and I should share them with you because it might save you or the person you love.

Asides from the culinary usefulness of ginger, it has been used for thousands of years for the purpose of treatment even before modern medicine. It was used for a plethora ailments like colds, nausea, and arthritis, and in more serious conditions like migraines, and hypertension and with improvement in medicine, we have learned a lot of about ginger both good and bad especially why a person shouldn't consume it.


Some people can bleed at anyplace due to anything and this is known as bleeding disorder and one reason why this people can easily bleed from their nose even by just staying under the sun is as a result of their blood getting thinner and ginger has blood thinning properties which can be a trigger to exacerbate bleeding in this type of individuals. Ginger possesses active compounds Gingerol and Salicylate which are anticoagulants and antiplatelet and their presence in the body interferes with clotting in the body and when the body cannot naturally clot, bleeding can be prolonged and worsened.

Asides from being a thinner, ginger has been known to potential reduce blood sugar level and while this can be a good thing for some, it can be a bad thing for some because a sudden drop in blood glucose can lead to weakness, dizziness, and could lead to fainting. While you might want to advice someone with diabetes to use ginger so as to help lower their blood sugar level, remember that they needs to monitor their blood sugar at all times and a sudden drop can be bad when the intentions were good. Do not forget that people with diabetes have problem with blood clotting, so taking ginger will only make the inability to clot worse.


People with gallbladder issues should also try as much as possible to avoid ginger. People who have gallbladder issues find it difficult to release bile which is vital in the emulsification (I mean digestion) of fat. When ginger is used, it can stimulate the production of bile and this can worsen the condition and lead to discomfort. You must have been told that ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties but do not advise a person with gallbladder issues to take ginger, rather advise them to see a doctor because taking ginger can aggravate their symptoms and delay the healing process of the gallbladder.

Just like ginger might pose risk to people with gallbladder issues, people with heart conditions are not excused as well because it has effects on blood pressure and blood circulation. It can increase your blood flow and circulation which can lead to an increase in heart rate. Not because you saw in a magazine or a paid add that one ginger mix or ginger powder works in circulating blood doesn't mean that you should take it knowing fully well that you have a previously existing heart condition because taking the suppose solution could worsen the issue and could lead to cardiovascular effects especially for those who are already taking blood thinning medications.


I have read some studies that connects ginger to increased risk of miscarriage in pregnant women although, a lot of other studies have been put forward with contrary conclusion but it is advisable for women to watch their intake of ginger during pregnancy especially during the first trimester where miscarriage is common. Another time to not consume ginger is during childbirth as it can thin the blood and this can raise concern during the process of natural birth or for a procedure because it could lead to excessive bleeding during and after childbirth.

Let me say this final point. It will be very wrong for you with low blood sugar to take ginger as it will be a suicide mission. I mentioned that it reduces blood glucose level so I wonder what other sugar you want to reduce when you already have one. Also people with low blood pressure should not consume ginger as its active ingredient gingerol and zingerone are active vasodilator and this can lead to a drop in blood pressure.

I know you like ginger in the form of tea, supplement, or in your food as a culinary ingredient but the next time you want to take it, be sure you are doing it right and not the wrong way.

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Thank you for this information. I need it because I have high blood pressure, and it will help me.