The main problem is how u balance out with legal norms, social customs religious instruction and personal judgement on a case like this.
It will coninue to remain a complex things and that is why it mostly features controversies.
I do agree proper Education will enahnce the gross consciousness and people's decision on the same will be shaped and warranted by reason and Ethics.
thank you.
In issues like this it's very difficult and almost impossible to have a balance, people are different, societies have different laws guiding it's citizens, so I think when we talk about balance we should speak with respect to what is acceptable in any society and with any individual.
Individuals act based on what they think is acceptable with their conscience and what the general society holds true and acceptable within limits of moral conscience.
There are situation where some persons find themselves intermingled in very difficult situation where evading societal principles becomes the only escape route. Hence they become faulted on the scale of balance.
Issues like this will continue to arise in our societies and we mustn't turn deaf ears to individual differences.
We'll not want to delve into other aspects of why we have rules, who makes the rules, and whether the rules are made to guide the society or the society made to follow the rules. All this are controversies that must be resolved under dialogue considering individual differences.
Reprodcution rights perhaps one of those few rights which can not be envisioned in silos or individualism, otherwise it will be difficult to answer the following questions :-
(1) Can it be divorced from of a couple, husband/wife, etc?
(2) Can it be divorced from the vision of family?
(3) Can it be divorced from the vision of community/society?
Reproduction rights on the premise of reproductive freedom, should commensurate shared needs of potential mothers and collective needs of society
Put simply, Reproduction rights act as a safety valve. And reproductive freedom is a social code, in which individual rights can not be divorced from the vision of family, society, etc.
I was checking to see your entry on the prompt ?Very apt! And I agree with you on this one @milaan
Yeah, I just now published my entry. U can check it.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
U can check now. I have submitted my entry.