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RE: 100 years of discoveries in particle physics - building the Standard Model brick by brick

in StemSocial3 years ago

Don't worry, my job has made me used to big headaches.

One thing that helps me put things in perspective is to remember that when I sit down, my ass never touches the atoms of the chair Hahaha

Yes, I am interested :)

 3 years ago  

Where have you heard that sentence? We used it yesterday too :)

Would there be a quantum entanglement between France and Thailand? 🤔 Hahaha... I probably heard it on Youtube, video of scientific popularization or replay of a conference (Alain Aspect, Julien Bobroff, Roland Lehoucq, Marc Lachièze-Rey, Étienne Klein...)

 3 years ago  

Hehe I see. I however don't see for quantum entanglement with human beings ;)