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RE: Dangers of Postpartum Depression and Handling it.

in StemSocial11 months ago

It's actually a problem in today's world as most mothers are face with post partum psychosis. Back then mothers always visit there children or invite them over to the house just to help them for 1-3 months after child birth. This practice always lessen the stress on new mothers as they usually have time to sleep and rest very well. It's very nice for this practice to continue in our society so as to help reduce this issues in our society. Thanks for the write up ☺️☺️


Unfortunately, everyone is rather engaged in more jobs to keep up with livelihood these days (including grandmothers), therefore making it difficult to stay out of their comfort zones for long, especially when long distance is involved and the family isn't financially stable. However, it remains the best practice as it helps mothers a lot., appreciate the comment friend.

The society is just so busy.. we will scale through