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RE: Can CANCER Be Cured?? - A Big Question in the Heart of Many

in StemSocial2 years ago

You're spinning and translation software seems to be faulty lol....
Stage IV: Complications - The stage is complete: The patient has died, the cancer has spread, or the treatment failed.

These are not stages of recovery! As has been explained many times. When you spin articles on subjects you know nothing about. You just look like an idiot, as do many other people on Hive who do exactly the same as you...


When you spin articles on subjects you know nothing about. You just look like an idiot,

And this guy wrote the book on idiocy I think. Lol.

Co-wrote it. Along with 80% of his compatriots!

Haha! Oh yeah, now isn't that the truth!

Also @nathen007, I think this chap probably hopes I get cancer and die as he blames me for his recent account-ending woes here on Hive. I'm ok with it.