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RE: Do Eye Drops Have Side Effects?

in StemSocial2 years ago

Well, sometimes it does, it is not only you, it is the reason why asthmatic's ain't given beta blockers when they are diagnosed with glaucoma because then we could easily trigger an attack if it find's its way into their oral cavity.

Now the reason why you may taste your eye drop is because there is actually a pathway through that tiny hole on the margin of your eye lids closer to your nasal region, it drains in to your nasal cavity and because your nose has a direct link to the back of your oral cavity it can also reach there easily. This why it happens like that, i hope this helps...

 2 years ago  

Now the reason why you may taste your eye drop is because there is actually a pathway through that tiny hole on the margin of your eye lids closer to your nasal region, it drains in to your nasal cavity and because your nose has a direct link to the back of your oral cavity it can also reach there easily. This why it happens like that, i hope this helps...

Yea. I thought as much. Thanks for the clarification.