I actually get excited when I see your writeup because then I know I am going to have a crush course on about 3 or 4 courses I did back in school, and true to my thoughts I get refreshed anytime I read and most often than not I learn a lot of new things.
I love how you present your work, how you go ahead to break down how blood work looking at why sicklers go into crisis when oxygen amount in the atmosphere and available to the system go down, and then one of the interesting things about carbon monoxide which helps us to understand why keeping the car engine on for long whiles staying in the garage could literally end up killing.
Artificial blood has really come a long way and while it is not an absolute replacement for natural blood it has saved a lot of lives and made it possible for surgeons to complete some surgeries and so I am optimistic about the beauty that science holds for us in terms of health and the future. It was a beautiful read, thank you for this.
It's just a matter of time, I am confident there will be a huge breakthrough.
Thank you for the soul suiting compliment.❤️