The automatic AI “brain.” / / Bonus reblog

in StemSocial12 days ago

The automatic AI “brain.”

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A brain that does not require programming

Imagine arriving home after a long day at work, you drop your keys on the table and before you even ask for it a robot is already walking towards you with a glass of cold water, it recognizes your tiredness by your expression and adjusts the lights to a softer tone, it seems like a movie scene maybe until yesterday it really was, but today this reality is closer than ever.

The company figure has just presented a type of artificial brain called helix, an AI model that could transform the way robots interact with the real world, unlike common robots that need to be programmed for each task, with helix they learn on their own, can listen, see and act autonomously, it also recognizes patterns, can adjust actions without prior training and understands commands in natural language, that is, you can talk to it as you do with other humans.

How this technology works

This means that humanoid robot companies are fulfilling their 2025 agenda and these machines could be closer to entering our routine than we imagine, it will be that they can safely bring robots into our homes, Helix is ​​a vision language action VLA model designed to integrate computer vision, natural language processing and advanced motor control in humanoid robots.

It is this technology that allows robots to collaborate with each other to solve complex problems such as organizing spaces and interacting in dynamic environments. To achieve this level of autonomy, the artificial system operates with two main systems, SQ responsible for interpreting the environment and processing commands analytically while S1 translates that information into quick and precise actions, allowing the robot to execute tasks in real time.

This simple separation makes Helix extremely efficient by balancing complex reasoning with instant execution, the robot with this AI brain has already been tested in various scenarios and has demonstrated impressive capabilities, identification and manipulation of thousands of different objects, even those it had never seen before, execution of tasks with natural language commands, without the need for manual adjustments and coordination of multiple robots to carry out joint activities, increasing efficiency and precision in interactions.

These advances could accelerate the integration of humanoid robots in domestic and professional environments. As this technology continues to evolve, robots will be able to become personal assistants, helping with domestic tasks, supporting the elderly and even assuming functions in sectors such as logistics and health. With this advance, an important question arises. Helix represents a technological leap that could redefine the relationship between smoke and machines.

If this AI continues to improve, we could be on the verge of a new Revolution where robots stop being just tools and become companions in daily life, but what do you think, do you think we are prepared to live with robots that think and act like humans? You would have an assistant robot at home.

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