The first robot that can smell.

in StemSocial3 days ago

The first robot that can smell.

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More human characteristics for robots.

Imagine a future in which robots not only see and hear, but can also smell and identify invisible dangers, that reality is already being built thanks to the strategic partnership between the company aos Inc and ugo Inc, combining the revolutionary olfactory sensor the AI ​​Nose, with highly advanced humanoid robots, with this the robots become even more perceptive ready to transform from public safety to the health sector.

Aos Inc developed the AI ​​Nose, an olfactory sensor powered by Artificial Intelligence capable of detecting specific chemical substances present in the environment. This technology uses advanced sensors that capture volatile organic compounds, sending the collected data to be interpreted by intelligent algorithms.

Now in collaboration with the Japanese company ugo Inc AI Nose will be integrated into highly versatile humanoid robots, as they are a reference in automation in Japan, ugo robots can execute complex autonomous operations using computer vision and remote commands and now with AI Nose they will also have the unprecedented ability to detect critical odors.

Applications of this technology.

This impressive technology offers, among other practical applications, the following; In industrial environments, the robot can quickly detect gas leaks, hazardous chemicals, or equipment failures before serious accidents occur, especially in semiconductor and chemical factories.

In public safety; In commercial buildings and public areas, these robberies will be able to identify invisible threats, such as explosives and illicit substances, reinforcement using security patrols and protecting human lives.

In health and preventive medicine; With the ability to detect diseases through volatile organic compounds, this technology opens avenues for early diagnoses, especially important in contexts of population aging and growing demand for health services.

In smart cities; The detection of pollutants and dust in air quality will allow more effective management of urban environments, promoting sustainable and intelligent initiatives.

It is already clear that the possibilities of AI Nose go beyond these immediate applications, as sensors become more sensitive and more intelligent robots with expanded sensory capabilities will be able to revolutionize sectors such as logistics, precision agriculture, even rescue in natural disasters by anticipating risks and protecting humans.

And how do you imagine the future of robotics now that robots can also smell, do you think this technology should be widely adopted or are there ethical limits, tell me what you think.

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