Greetings friends! I'm going through this excellent community to bring you an "astronomical" post, today 04/01 the sky is very clear in the city and take the opportunity to photograph and study a new constellation! With this I have already studied more than 12 constellations! It could be said that it is not the largest that I have studied nor the smallest! It is known as "Boötes" and was described by Ptolemy's book, therefore it tells us that it is a somewhat old constellation!!! Join me in this little post to see its main characteristics and its brightest stars!🧠🔭
Saludos amigos! me paso por esta excelente comunidad para traerles un post "astronomico", hoy 01/04 el cielo esta muy despejado en la ciudad y aproveche para fotografiar y estudiar una nueva constelacion! con esta ya he estudiado mas de 12 constelaciones! podria decirse que no es la mas grande que ya estudie ni la mas pequeña! se le conoce como "Boötes" y fue descrita por el libro de ptolomeo, por tanto nos dice que es una constelacion un poco antigua!!! acompañame en este pequeño post para ver sus principales caracteristicas y sus estrillas mas brillantes!🪐🌌
To locate the constellation use the "skymap" program that you can download for free on your cell phone, after locating the constellation I use my astrophotography accessories, continuing with "Bootes" as I have mentioned is one of the modern constellations, which in total are 88; Despite being called "modern" Ptolemy had already discovered it and recorded it in his "book".👳♂️🧔📕💥💥💥💥💥
Para localizar la constelacion utilice el programa "skymap" que puedes descargarlo de forma gratiuta en tu telefono celular, luego que localice la constelacion empleo mis accesorio de astrofotografia, continuando con "Bootes" como lo he mencionado es una de las constelaciones modernas, que en total son 88; apesar de llamarse "moderna" ya ptolomeo la habia descubierto y la registro en su "libro".💥💥
Many people to recognize it in the sky look for the big dipper and near it you could see a "human" figure that gives the impression of pointing to the big dipper! the history of the name "Bootes" is a Greek word that means "ox driver" or it can also mean "farmer" I personally read that Bootes is one of the 88 modern constellations but it had already been described in the 2nd century I mean very old!🤔😮🌌🔭🧠🔭🔭🔭🔭🔭🔭🔭
Muchas personas para reconocerla en el cielo buscan la osa mayor y cerca de esta podria verse una figura "humana" que da la impresion de señalar la osa mayor! la historia del nombre "Bootes" es una palabra griega que significa "conductor de buey" o tambien puede significar "labrador" personalmente leo que Bootes es una de las 88 constelaciones modernas pero ya habia sido descrita en el siglo II osea muy antigua!👨🏫👨🎓🕵️♂️
I was impressed because many bibliographical references mention the Bootes constellation as one of the largest in the sky, wow! It is located in the Northern Hemisphere, one of the main characteristics of this great constellation is that in it we find "Arcturus" which is nothing more and nothing less than the third brightest star in the sky and don't worry, we are going to see it with a high magnification! Bootes ranks 13th among the largest constellations in the night sky!📕💥🤯🤯🤯😃😃😃😃😅😅😅🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩👨🏫👨🏫❗❗1️⃣3️⃣
Quede impresionado porque muchas referencias bibliograficas mencionan la constelacion de Bootes como una de las mas grandes en el cielo wouao!!, esta ubicada en el hemisferio Norte, una de las principales caracteristicas de esta gran constelacion es que en ella nos encontramos con "Arcturus" que es nada mas y nada menos que la tercera estrella mas brillante del cielo y tranquilo ya la vamos a ver con un gran aumento! Bootes ocupa el numero 13 de entre las constelaciones mas grandes del cielo nocturno!🔭📕🧠
This beautiful constellation occupies in space a radius of: "907 square degrees" it is located in the third quadrant in the telescope it is enough to enter the coordinates: "+90°, -50°" for years Bootes has been studied so much that they are known the planets that are in the constellation! there are 5 planets in total discovered! astronomers always look at Bootes for some events like a meteor shower🤩🤩💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
Esta linda constelacion ocupa en el espacio un radio de: "907grados cuadrados" se ubica en el tercer cuadrante en el telescopio basta con introducir las coordenadas: "+90°, -50°" durante años Bootes ha sido muy estudiada tanto que se conocen los planetas que estan en la constelacion! son 5 planetas en total descubiertos! los astronomos siempre buscan en Bootes algunos eventos como una lluvia de estrellas💥💥🎇🎆🎇🎆
Or also known as "arthur" it is the main and brightest star of Bootes, it is an "orange giant" it is located about "37 light years from our planet" and despite that great distance we can see it that size because it is +25 times larger than our main star the "sun" the exact magnitude is: "-0.04" "arthur" holds the record for being the 3rd brightest star in the sky!💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥⭕🛑⛔⛔❗❗💯3️⃣
O tambien conocida como "arturo" es la principal y mas brillante estrella de Bootes, es una "gigante de color naranja" esta ubicada a unos "37 años luz de nuestro planeta" y apesar de esa gran distancia la podemos ver de ese tamaño porque es +25 veces mayor que nuestra principal estrella el "sol" la magnitud exacta es: "-0,04" "arturo" tiene el record de ser la 3era estrella mas brillante del cielo!💥💥💥
Now we go to the second largest star in Bootes and it has a magnitude of "2.35" we can see the big difference in size with "arthur" which is a star with value (-), this star is actually a "binary" , and it has the color that we see in the photo because its main binary star is an "orange giant" well sometimes it can also look yellow! astronomers have baptized it as "one of the most beautiful binaries in the sky" impressive to be able to capture this beauty!💥🧡🧡🧡
Ahora pasamos a la segunda estrella mas grande de Bootes y tiene una magnitud de "2,35" podemos ver la gran diferencia de tamaño con "arturo" que es una estrella con valor (-), esta estrella es en realidad una "binaria", y tiene el color que vemos en la foto porque su estrella principal binaria es una "gigante naranja" bueno aveces puede verse tambien amarilla! los astonomos la han bautizado como "una de las binarias mas lindas del firmamento" imprecionante poder capturar esta belleza!💥💥📕🧠🔭🌌👨🏫🪐
Here we can see two of the Bootes stars that were very difficult to photograph because they are too small and I am in the city, but we can still appreciate them using filters! it is: (ρBootis, γ Bootis) one with a magnitude of: +3.04 and the other +3.57😲😲
Aqui podemos ver dos de las estrellas de Bootes que fue muy dificil fotografiarlas porque son demasiadas pequeñas y estoy en la ciudad, pero aun podemos apreciarlas usando filtros! se trata de: (ρBootis, γ Bootis) una con una magnitud de: +3,04 y la otra +3,57🧡🧡
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Et contactees like i think alex coller say that theres a short lightbskinned elf looking race of people here who have a different number of teeth.... and that dentists notice that shit snd they cant always blend in lol
Apparently they have been blending in fir a whole lol thats where Grimes may be from
And its why star trek had the episodes with doctors notcing aliens
Apparentky there are nordic pleidean colonies in northern california in planned communities but its sad that many et groups are quite racist lol
We all find out theres et groups here and they turn out to be like childrena nd we humans really are the wiser ones
xD well there is a lot to analyze in the comment! Now that you mention the subject, my first observation was in the center of Portugal, there the sky is the cleanest in Portugal! I remember that while I was observing through the telescope I saw something moving, I knew it wasn't a plane, I ran to tell my instructor... You know it was... a satellite xD hahaha these days they discovered the oldest and most distant star!
Wow, this is wonderful and amazing. I love it
Thank 😜
This is really nice
Thank bro
(5/5) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <>< NFT for Peace
In one of the pictures you shared with us, I notice that we can see city lights through the window. Aren’t those lights a problem? How do you manage to overcome them? One of my friends who is passionate about astrophotography is always complaining about this kind of light (and he is super happy to live in the countryside where there is not such a problem).
As a side note, “Bootes” is actually “Bouvier” in French. I had to look for this word as I was unable to understand which constellation you were referring too. This is were my English is a bit too limited ;)
Actually if it limits a lot I would say 70% for example these images that I always upload to take them I must use filters, and then computer filters! there is a lot of editing more than everything with the stars of greater magnitude! but with big stars there is no problem! without a doubt it is a super problem but also living in the city it is not convenient to always go to the countryside because of the price of diesel! the farthest from here is 30km! do what you can xD
I do wonder if there is a nice measure to determine the smallest luminosity you can observe given X background light.
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