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RE: Why Googling your ill-health symptoms may be a bad idea

in StemSocial5 years ago

I very rarely find out anything by google, though I spend a lot of time doing it. Great write up. My Nana couldn't smell - I forget why. It shocked me when I found out. She was quite nonplussed by it, but she was a hard core strong woman who brooked no nonsense, like sentiment over smell. I like to try to channel her when I'm feeling down. What would she have done?

 5 years ago  

It might be much of an issue if she was born with it, that is, congenital. Also, if she's still young, it might impact her life much. But for an adult that is used to perceiving different smells, it might be tough to adjust just like in my own case. It will take a good effort to not slip into depression.

I think the first thing is to find out what might be the cause of her inability to smell. Then, you can take it up from there.

I am not sure why - I'd have to ask my Dad. She's passed now though. I think she was pretty tough - she went through war, migration, a difficult marriage, divorce and single parenthood.

 5 years ago  

I'm sorry to hear that.