hello amazing people, what a lovely day this has been woke up this morning feeling elated and whilst i was pondering about my days plans I happened to find myself staring at the mirror and then the question came across my mind, is there such a thing as the perfect body size.
we live in a society where we are super conscious of how people perceive us. this often defines what we wear, how much or how often we eat and even what we eat. body positivity has alot to do with the freedom to choose to love ones self irrespective of how much we weigh.
weight is measured using a scale called the body mass index BMI for short .
a weight less than 18.4kg/m^2 is considered as underweight.
a weight between 18.5-24.9kg/m^2 is normal weight.
a weight between 25.0-39.9kg/m^2 is overweight.
a weight greater than 40.0kg/m^2 is obese.
Wight and mental health
eating disorders are characterised by abnormalities in the pattern of eating which are determined by the attitude a person takes to their weight and shape.
anorexia nervosa is the most common eating disorder, more common in female gender especially teenagers it is characterised by
immoderate food restrictions.
inappropriate eating habits.
obsession with having a thin figure.
despite thin figure they still see themselves as fat.
the urge to achieve a thun body figure can lead to life threatening obsession.
people suffering from this condition often go on long periods of fasting or starvation to achieve weight loss while some other groups go in very minimal amount of food intake.
bulimia nervosa
episodes of uncontrolled binge eating followed by extreme measures to control weight such as inductions of vomiting and extremes use of laxatives.
binge eating disorders.
bulimic episodes with no counter regulatory bulimic episodes. this may result in depression and obesity
the Internet is filled with pictures of models with ultra slim fits sizes. music videos and TV shows dicpicting the standard of beauty to be an ultra slim person. very often the Internet looks down on plus sized individuals making them feel less of themselves this goes a long way in affecting people's mental health and self esteem.
we are all not born with similar genetics, some people have the tendency to be over weight regardless of what they eat, while others no matter how much food they consume they rarely gain significant weight.
regardless of your body type, with proper grooming and wearing the right kind of outfit you will end up looking amazing when you step outside your door.
love yourself and the world will fall in love with you too.
remind yourself that weight can be maintained, by simply doing some deight plans and frequent exercise routines.
being body conscious is not really a bad thing because it will help us to stay healthy and strong and prevent us from coming down with chronic illnesses such as diabetes melitus, hypertension ,arthritis and so many others. let's not forget that we are all amazing people who are made differently let's spread the ward and share the love and much as we can.