What is Physics? The science behind everything.

in StemSocial3 months ago

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “physics”. Oh, I know. That “weird subject” with equations and difficult concepts to grasp. Maybe that’s just how it’s been presented to you.
But wait a second, it’s this same physics that explains why you can sit on a chair without it collapsing, why the sky is blue, and how we manage to send rockets into space. So, you see, maybe not so intimidating at all. Perhaps, if you looked at physics from a new perspective, you’ll love it and trust me there’ll be no turning back.


What is Physics

Physics is the study of matter and energy and the relationship that exist between them. It’s the science of understanding the forces that govern the universe: whether it’s the massive black holes in space or the tiniest particles like atoms.
Physics explains why things happen and how they happen, revealing the rules and constraints that govern the phenomenon we see every day.

The story of physics has been (and is still) a fascinating journey, sometimes battling it out with some religious beliefs and political interferences. From the early ideas of Aristotle and Democritus, to the revolutionary contributions of Newton and Einstein to name and few and other great thinkers. The journey has truly been captivating. But that’s a tale for another time. Stay tuned for more!

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Branches of Physics?

With physics being a vast field, it can be divided into four main branches:

  • Classical Mechanics: This branch deals with the motion of macroscopic(large) objects and the forces acting upon them. We see Newton’s laws of motion being prevalent in the branch. It covers everything from the motion of planets to the trajectory of a soccer ball. (for speeds slower than the speed of light)
  • Relativistic Physics: Thanks to Einstein’s General and Special theory of relativity, we understand gravity as the curvature of space and time and also what happens when travelling at light speed. This branch explains phenomenon like time dilation, gravitational waves etc.
  • Quantum Physics: This aspect deals with the microscopic world: the atomic world. With unconventional ways of understanding our world, concepts like quantum superposition, wave-particle duality are tackled under this branch.
  • Electromagnetism: Concerning two of the fundamental forces that governs the existence of the whole universe (the electric and magnetic force). Phenomenon like electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves are explained in this branch.
    Interesting huh!
Why Physics Matters.

Looking at all that is quite clear why physics matters and why you should know physics. It’s simple: physics is everywhere.

•Ever wondered why the lights in your room turn on almost instantly?
•Why does a metal spoon heat up in warm water while a plastic one doesn’t?
•What causes rainbows to appear?
•How did life begin?
Questions like these fuel curiosities, which in turn leads to an understanding the world through groundbreaking discoveries.

Let’s learn Together!

Share your thoughts on favorite physics facts in the comments; let’s learn from each other. interested to hear from other too.

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And don’t forget to check back on Monday! We’ll explore how physics powers everyday technology. Stay tuned. Exciting stuff ahead.