As Hive becomes our established new home, we see a lot of potential for growth, reflected in an increase in activity overall, price and media coverage of the new token. With our new name, new branding, new art & design, and a new DHF proposal just bubbling to boost the STEMsocial project into hyperdrive, we also need a new, budding community to fit.

For the longest time, we've had a multi-layered community system which offers not only reliability of content quality (see here or there), but a way for new users to learn, improve and maximize their engagement and profits in a way that can rival professionals in the mainstream.
Honor Members
The STEMsocial team is primarily focused on curating stem-related content on the Hive blockchain. Honor members are voluntary members of the team who engage in a number of responsibilities that function as a social backbone of our entire project. The team members do their best to ensure that people with an enthusiastic spark for STEM subjects, inside and outside of Hive, have a place they can call home in the world of content creation.
Given the vital nature of these wonderful volunteers, we hereby invite applications from any interested users to join the STEMsocial team as an honor member!
The position
As stated, the position is a voluntary one. Honor members within the STEMsocial community are presumably already comfortable in their general involvement on Hive, and would be saddled with the following responsibilities:
- Guiding newbies within the community that might need help in creating content that follows the guidelines for curation by STEMsocial - a form of mentorship.
- Drive engagement within the community both on the chain through thoughtful comments on posts and in our Discord server.
- Scrutinize posts for potential copyright infringement in both text and images, and bring these erring posts to the attention of the management and curation team. Additionally, minimize the possibility of plagiarism by scrutinizing the choices of curators (We are all only human)!
There is no requirement for how much time and effort you should dedicate to the cause, but we strive for consistency and long-term involvement in the project, for which many benefits await you!
As a reward, our curators are supporting the content of our honour member a little bit stronger and honour members have the right to drop link to our curators.
Think you've got what it takes?
If your interest has been piqued and you think you've got what it takes, feel free to message @suesa via Discord (Suesa#4095) with your application.
If you believe you are a good fit, eager to expand your knowledge and ready to join our exciting community, then we are ready to get to know you too, and we cann take it from there! There will be some tast requests prior joining simply to assure we maintain our quality standards we've adhered to for years!
If you like what we do, please consider:
- supporting our funding proposal (#91), on which extra information can be found here;
- approving our witness (@stem.witness);
- delegating to the @stemsocial account (or trailing it).
Already shot her a message.
Great to know! :)
Nice one. I believe this will drive in more engagement within the community.
I hope so! :)
This is a welcome development...a time take stemsocial further.
Yep, we need to grow engagement, and this is through what we will go. Please be ready for some stats... soon ^^
This has always been a great move, it still is! This will ease the stress on the curators and of course, put a lot of novel writers out of their misery.
Great move, Stem!
Please note that Honour Members and curators are different roles (there is much more pressure on our curators ;) ).
I should consider submitting my application
Please do so! :)
I say well done to the team. We need well oriented people to fill this positions of honour members. Many people are coming in now, we need to seriously scrutinized posts been churned out daily to maintain sanity on the block chain.
Thank you! Will you apply for it?
Like how much are we talking about here?. 😎😁😁
A few (empty) peanuts? :)
Excellent, taking into account this opportunity, I will choose to be part of the collaboration team (honor members) of #STEMsocial, I will send the message to @suesa.
I am happy to see this. According to the size of the stem-espanol community, it makes sense to have Spanish-speaking applicants!
I hope to have some luck, because it will be a real honor to participate with the #STEMsocial team collaborating in the mentioned activities.
Thanks to #STEM-espanol, #SteemSTEM and now #STEMSocial, I was able to make the decision to stay on the platform. If it weren't for these communities, there would be no point in staying here, since there are no communities that value academic content. Therefore, I think I can help in some activities that require some time for advice to users who upload STEM content.
Glad you finally stayed. Your story was somewhat complicated at the moment of the transition to Hive :)
Greetings dear friends of Stemsocial, excellent initiative in implementing the honor members, considering that they will be of great help to the community, this initiative will facilitate the search for stem content in the hive platform. it will be a great honor to collaborate with the community. successes !
Thanks for your nice words!
this is great :)
I think so too ^^
It is sound great! Regards!
Great move. I'm definitely going to apply.
Stemsocial 🚀🚀🚀
Nice! I am so happy so many known names (yours and others) apply! :)
It is an excellent new! This is an great opportunity to be an honor member of this special community, I definitely going to consider this application!
That is a great news! :)
Excelente, porque así como permite mayor compromiso con la comunidad, atraerá mas miembros y a su vez favorece al arbitraje del contenido.