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RE: Is anti-viral interferon response a boon to SARS-CoV-2?

in StemSocial5 years ago

Here's what I been looking at some today. I guess from what I am I am not in the medical field, is that interferon and hydroxychloroquine along with the antibiotic are used to break the cellar membrane to allow zine to access the cell. They act as an ionophore. Zinc inside cells stops replications of the virus but you have to have an ionophore to get zinc to be inter-cellar.

I did some looking up what ionophore meant,

ionophore [i´on-o-for″]
any molecule, as of a drug, that increases the permeability of cell membranes to a specific ion.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
i·on·o·phore (ī-on'ō-fōr),
A compound or substance that forms a complex with an ion and transports it across a membrane.
[ion + G. phore, a bearer]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
ionophore (ī-ŏn′ə-fôr)
A compound that facilitates the transport of ions across a cell membrane, either by binding with the ion or by creating a channel through the membrane.

I looked at other articles on ionophores, I ran across words like quercertin and epigallocatechin which are used as natural ways to enhance introduction into a cell. There is some zinc inside cells naturally just not enough to ward off the replicating virus, we gain that zinc through foods we eat and we also naturally consume quercertin through certain foods we eat, quercertin also comes in a tablet form but they don't recommend taking more than 500 to 1000 mg a day, so you could increase your zinc intake and more of it would get into your cells by taking it or eating more foods that have it. Epigallocatechin on the other hand they do not recommend you take any amount in a tablet or power form without a doctors permission but it is found in abundance in green tea.

 5 years ago  

The clinical trials are being conducted for these. We have to wait and see the results. I also would not recommend that anyone takes any drug mentioned here without doctors advice. Hydroxychloroquine for instance have side effects including cardiac toxicity. Even in trials patients showing ecg distortions are taken off that drug. Moreover, the results of trials dont look very promising as of now.

O specifically dont want to do a post about these drugs because these desparate times and any false hope or wrong half information is not a great idea. I think lets wait for trials and pop anything only if your doctors tells you to.

However , if you want to have some green tea, sure I will make myself some too. Though I wont OD thinking of it some magic potion. More like who minds couple cups of green tea in a day.

I'll take the trial of a thousand patients in French with a 91 percent cure rate over anything Dr Fauci is peddling, if I am offered a chance to show improvement in four less days over being cured I am going to pick being cured. There another study gearing up in Australia right now, they to are using chloroquine with HIV drugs that show a one hundred percent cure rate. They are actually even calling it the cure all to the corona virus. They are sounding so confident in their finding that they are not even worried about a second wave.

I am like you though, I am not much into taking something that isn't prescribed and I think I would also opt for a good strong cup of green tea.