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RE: Particle simulations in a nutshell: modelling CERN's gigantic detectors

in StemSocial3 years ago

Personally I liked the show until a certain point midway, then it got kind of annoying and confusing. I think "sciency" is the right word. It is not an actual science show or sth.

SERN, which is just the anime renamed version of CERN, is a major plot point and all in all I think you might enjoy this much more as a scientist than One Piece or Naruto ;)

 3 years ago  

Personally I liked the show until a certain point midway, then it got kind of annoying and confusing. I think "sciency" is the right word. It is not an actual science show or sth.

That is also my problem with most series and mangas. I usually like a few episodes and then quickly get bored and quit.

SERN, which is just the anime renamed version of CERN, is a major plot point and all in all I think you might enjoy this much more as a scientist than One Piece or Naruto ;)

I definitely noticed the resemblance ;) However, I for now have very little free time so that I don't know when and if I will give it a try. I have nevertheless added this title on my watch list. We will see.