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in StemSocial2 years ago

This cervical cancer is a scourge for every woman who suffers from it. All types of cancer, when detected in time, can be treated with a good prognosis of recovery, although its recurrence in the body is not certain. If the woman has gone through several factors that make it possible for her to be on the list of cancer patients, she should ask her doctor for an evaluation that will offer her a clear and concise diagnosis. Keep in mind, in her medical history, the family history, since it can be hereditary; if she smokes, has started her sexual activity since her adolescence and has been a promiscuous person, she runs a very high risk of having this cancer.
Well presented and understandable your article. Thank you @silviafx

Este cáncer de cuello uterino es un flagelo para cada mujer que lo padece. Todo tipo de cáncer, al ser detectado a tiempo, se puede tratar con un buen pronóstico de recuperación, aunque no es seguro su reincidencia en el organismo. Si la mujer ha pasado por diversos factores que le posibilitan estar en la lista de enfermos cancerosos, debe informarse con su médico, haciéndose una evaluación que le ofrecerá un diagnostico claro y conciso. Tener pendiente, en su historial médico, los antecedentes familiares, ya que puede ser hereditario; si fuma, ha empezado su actividad sexual desde su adolescencia y ha sido una persona promiscua, corre el riesgo muy alto de poseer dicho cáncer.
Bien presentado y comprensible su artículo. Gracias @silviafx


Thank you so much @wayuu-reg So sorry for this late reply🥲