STEMsocial Distilled is to note that this is a new form of curation that offers the user a great opportunity by promoting their blog. great!
There it is stated that it is a "light" for the top five weekly blogs. What I don't understand are the criteria used to appear selected in the weekly list.
I have gone through the Discord and left my impressions about why if I am publishing from your community, using your project tags, and being supportive with 20% of the rewards obtained by the publication of my articles, I am still ignored at the time of the cures. Are my articles invisible or of poor quality? I really don't understand.
Hi @lemouth
I would appreciate an answer to my concern. thank you @stemsocial!
¡STEMsocial Distilled es para destacar que se trata de una nueva forma de curación que ofrece al usuario una gran oportunidad mediante la promoción de su blog. genial!
Ahí se indica que es un "semáforo" para los cinco mejores blogs semanales. Lo que no entiendo son los criterios utilizados para aparecer seleccionados en la lista semanal.
He pasado por el Discord y he dejado mis impresiones acerca de por qué si estoy publicando desde su comunidad, utilizando las etiquetas de su proyecto, y siendo solidario con el 20% de las recompensas obtenidas por la publicación de mis artículos, sigo siendo ignorado a la hora de las curas. ¿Mis artículos son invisibles o de mala calidad? Realmente no lo entiendo.
Hola @lemouth
Agradecería una respuesta a mi inquietud. ¡Gracias @stemsocial!
Engagement, quality, blog being posted in the right time frame, how I liked your post (since I wrote this edition of the distilled), etc. The competition is tough and there were more than 30 entries. That gives 1 chance out of 6 to be selected, more or less.
I don't understand this message. We supported 4 of your latest 6 posts... Maybe you don't accept the fact that we are humans and don't spend 24/7 of our time on chain... Do you feel entitled to get support?
Of course I can understand that your work as a curator and that of many users, is not a 24/7 "job" You excuse me! That was not my intention to make you think that "I think they are not human". I am communicating with you precisely because I know that you are a human, who performs your laudable work as a curator and must have a great responsibility in your work.
There is so much information that I have to process in this medium, that at times I do not understand what I am doing wrong in terms of the publication of my articles. I just wanted some guidance.
Well Mr @lemouth it's not that I am claiming something.... I just wanted to communicate to receive your guidance, that would be the support, the guidance to understand how your community and therefore the platform works. I send you a cordial greeting Mr. @lemouth and thank you very much for your response.
Claro que puedo entender que su labor como curador y la de muchos usuarios, no es un "trabajo" 24/7 Usted disculpe! Esa no fue mi intención el hacerle pensar que "yo crea que no son humanos". Precisamente me comunico con usted porque se que es un humano, el cual realiza su loable trabajo como curador y debe tener toda una gran responsabilidad en sus labores.
Es tanta la información que debo procesar en este medio, que hay momentos no entiendo que estoy haciendo mal mi labor en cuanto a la publicación de mis artículos. Tan sólo deseaba una orientación.
Bueno Sr @lemouth no es que esté reclamando algo... Sólo deseaba comunicarme para recibir su orientación, ese sería el apoyo, la orientación de entender cómo funciona su comunidad y por ende la plataforma. Le envio un cordial saludo Sr @lemouth y muchísimas gracias por responderme.
What I can say is that we have strict guidelines for what concerns which posts we support, and to which extent we support them. I recommend that you approach our curators, and the best way to do so is on Discord. They will explain to you what could be improved with your posts.
Thank you very much for replying
You are welcome! Please don't hesitate to come back to me if further clarifications would be needed in the future/