Good morning
Maleria at this present time is deadly,I have been down since I returned from Ekiti state. My body aches,my head feel swollen like it's bigger than my body.
I can't walk,I hardly eat. My head is spinning yet I have a lot of work to do.
Body ache
Head ache
Body pain
Inability to eat
Bitter mouth
And high body temperature.
The best solution is to go to clinic for medical check up,do test to confirm it is maleria and receive treatment as prescribed by doctor.
I have taken some prescribed drugs but the effect of them on me is nothing at all,
So this morning, I will take myself to hospital,see another doctor and confirm if it is maleria. I need to treat myself quick.
Do not joke with maleria, take proper treatment when you fall sick.
Maleria is deadly and it kills like other sickness.
The funny thing is when you get to hospital and they ask you what is your blood group and you say AA,they will all burst to laugher and say IT IS YOUR SEASON. AA fall sick alot when it's harmattan period so the clinic get prepared for us. AA hardly sick but our maleria that comes once a year is very severe. I am AA O+ but yet I'm not sure it is malerial,I will notify you of the test result.
Thank you