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RE: Angry US Doctors Speak Out: COVID19 Is ALREADY CURABLE - 1000s Have Died Needlessly. July 2020.

in COVID-195 years ago

Of course they have a bearing. Ovarian cysts are a medical condition, so if a supposed doctor is saying they are caused by demons, she is suggesting that they can be cured by prayer and not medicine and treatment.

It's like if your mechanic said that he felt that bad spirits were causing your brakes to squeak, would you carry on taking your car to him?


Having studied the nature of the spirit levels of reality, how they relate to manifest physical reality and numerous of the related elements, I am much more aware of the details than I once was and I disagree with most people's perception of the reality of the situation. I would need to talk with her directly to understand what exactly she meant.
If a Christian doctor gives someone a drug that heals them and also thinks that demons exist, does that mean that the person wasn't healed?

Lol at the gullible

Numerous peer reviewed studies confirm HCQ efficacy for COVID19:

Henry Ford Medical Group study shows Hydroxychloroquine, when used appropriately, cut the death rate of #COVID19 patients in half.